Article voiceover
Dragonfly Pond, Stowel Lake, Salt Spring Island, 2015
Dragonfly Wings
Her lush and tall green reeds, buds and cream-rich opening cup lilies
with celestial reflections descending into dark waters around leaf pads spreading.
This stone upon which l stand amongst others carves the edges containing the jewelled drops of water into one being.
Green algae plant wonders sheath almost all remaining of aqua’s gossamer skin.
Early every morning l stand in wonder drumming in ceremony, praise, and gratitude
offering to the abundance; particularly to multi coloured dragonfly ribbons who silently dart and hover here, agility
on the surface, the reeds, the lily cups and pads as if they are breathing
in each other, singing everyone on, including me with them. How can l not fall in love there, then, now, and here. On my last morning a dragonfly
lands on the water near my foot. This one is dying.
l feel my heart breaking. But no…. looking closer… instead to withness this one
laying eggs... to find the green algae sheathing is not what it looks, but
dragonfly eggs before larvae diving. My heart breaks wide open to the miracle and a vision: a wonder mass of
newborn dragonflies leaving the pond. Have you ever seen a dragonfly birthing? It takes
five years in the water before the casing larvae cracks on a reed. Another vision arrives: Earth’s humans leaving
Her transformational ponds; all colours. All colours with iridescent drying wings stretching out, singing
where death becomes impossible new life.
It can take longer than five years for a human; indeed it took many years before l myself experienced unbidden
my own colourful body arising from the pond with iridescent wings stretching out, seeing fully all colour notes now flaming
in Cosmic’s vibrant holographic song.
It takes a miracle Earth, Her transformational waters in Her Community, infact, all life there has ever been and yet to come, to make such wild metamorphosis of us all.
The water is waiting. Are you ready to dive in? Be called to the journey?
Wendy Robertson Fyfe
Are you ready to dive into soul's liminal and transformational waters? to be a feast for mystery in your fast? to feel into the colours of your ‘own’ wings emerging? From Stowel Lake to the Atlantic Ocean, this Celtic Ceremonial Fast is open for application to a small, ripe and intimate group. 28 May - 8 June, Isle of Erraid, Inner Hebrides, Scotland/Alba see
Invitations to message me, arrange a conversation or/and apply. (Oh, and did l say … Erraid offers a deep well of echoing song …;) Earthsong blessings to you and your kin Wendy please forward to anyone who comes to mind who would appreciate this unique opportunity for a particular deep dive in the Inner Hebrides.
… walk … talk … dream … vision … myth …