Welcome to Abbey of Soul
with Wendy Robertson Fyfe
Welcome to the Abbey Of Soul. Abbey Of Soul is a place and portal for remembering and living life as sacred, for carrying the ancient sacred fire in ever emerging ways. A place for Ceremony
Abbey Of Soul is a place/portal for tending the hollows where the veils are thin and the Gods, Goddesses, humans, Earth Community and Mystery can sing together in remembering our unique, tending the dead life giving songs intertwining within an animate Cosmos.
Abbey Of Soul is a place for deep listening and soul conversations inviting untold possibilities to unfold, where revelation is the way we orientate life to guide us as we open further into being ceremony.
Abbey Of Soul is a place to dive deep into the mythopoetic seams and rivers under current daily life; stories in conversation with the deep imagination, dream, an animate Earth Community, Mystery beyond that current surface life into deeper intimacy, into a Pilgrimage of Soul.
Abbey Of Soul is a place from which to return into daily life with your unique gifts to feed life death.
Abbey Of Soul is based in Scotland/Alba. We offer soul guiding through the zoom portal and on wild land. We are in Substack where we offer free museletters, poetry, podcasts and surprises. You can become a paid subscriber to support this work further where you will find Living Sanctuary with Weekly Practices and monthly zoom conversations, and more.
Abbey Of Soul works with ongoing self healing and wholing whilst also deepening into Pilgrimage of Soul Initiation within animacy life/death participating intimacy as Earth and Earth Community; in deepening sacred conversation towards living into “the truth at the centre of the image we were born with” (David Whyte) whilst remembering, wondering and wandering into ancient Celtic ways that weave and blur the edges of all beings. Soul refers to our unique eco-niche as ecology.
Thank you for entering this round and open door.
Participating In The Cosmic Dreamsong
We at Abbey Of Soul believe we are participating in a cosmic dreamsong; whether we like it or not it is part of what it means to be who is currently called ‘human’ as we participate with, rather than be centre of, Earth Community in the transformation in the next stage of Earth evolution. Perhaps the question is more how are we currently participating in the dreamsong and where/what is our longing when trusting in mutuality, holographic reciprocity, and generative Earth ways we are in dance with/as. Abbey Of Soul explores Earth expressions and deepest authenticity/belonging in alignment with Earth/Cosmos.
What is your deepest longing for your truly wild, as yet never-before-seen life? What are you born for to live into life exactly at this time?
About Wendy
Wendy is a longtime devotee to Mystery and the Pilgrimage of Soul towards crafting a regenerative animate Earth-centred culture. She is a culture maker/crafter, a weaver of inner and outer worlds, seen and unseen Celtic Knotwork colour threads between Cosmic Earth and Cosmic humans as Earth expression/imagination/intelligence/song/poem within Earth Community as holy. A feminist cultural historian and lecturer in the 1980s/early 90s, psychosynthesis psychotherapist mid 90s/early 2000s, to wild wanderer on the Pilgrimage of Soul from 1990 on. She is an Earth lover, soul guide, poet, writer, beauty withness reminder. Wendy graduated from Animas Valley Institute in 2022.
*We listen deeply for the notes & voices who have been contorted by eons of a distorted culture creating wounds, protectors, escapists, addicts and shadow parts now being called home and longed for by a magnificent story to be sung in animate Earth’s ways, alignment and sacred sincerity.
*As a guide to and of soul, we are weaved by, and weaving Abbey Of Soul as a portal where necessary holy survival identities are brought into a sacred and AncientNew home enabling a dive to the deepest mythopoetic identity we, each and all, are born to live into the world.
*We listen with the ears of our heart to the poetry of soul threads who come unbidden in dreams, images, symbols, magic words, stories, surprises, dances, songs, animals, trees, seas, mountains and more, archetypes, and myths; to the under-stream-seams of a remembering language of awakening forgotten animacy.
*We offer soul guiding one-to-one and in groups through the wild-web portal and with wild lands through multi-day Intensives and Vision Fasts in Scotland/Alba and Internationally. We are available for teaching, podcasts, interviews and talks regarding Abbey Of Soul, the Pilgrimage Of Soul and Soulcraft.
*We offer Ceremony as Ceremonialist.
*Those feeling called are likely to be, or long to be: visionaries, generative leaders, cultural transformation agents, those contributing to human development, misfits, seers, Earth Mystics who want to go even deeper, who know there is more yet to who you currently know yourselves to be. We work with those who are committed to and curious about the Pilgrimage of Soul.
*Those who are called have already explored some level of self-awareness in relation with world animacy (or long to); those who are willing to surrender, be transformed/alchemised/metamorphosised by/with Earth and Earth Community expressions in ways currently unimaginable.
*This is not a ‘one-off’ journey but through a full and purposeful life; one where a guide to soul can be useful to call in, a guide who knows the terrain and signposts well.
*We are fully trained over 30 years, latterly through graduating at Animas Valley Institute. We have a lifetime of following enchanted ways and offerings of diving to the depths of a wild life.
*You can arrange a 30m free exploratory call here: or message me
“She wove stories of me I had forgotten to parts of me I have never been able to hear. I felt seen and guided in a very dark place, many dark places, that had now more space to breathe and receive light and love. Truly precious.” Maya
“Much gratitude for the connection with you and also with Earth - through you, for your unique gift in finding a wave-length to communicate the beauty and awe of the Mother.
We are so alive, alive, alive”. Joanna
“Wendy's presence in my life has not only been one of support, guidance, challenge, wisdom and nurture, it has been entirely transformational. Wendy is, without question, the elder I was seeking and far, far more. She is soft yet fierce, tender yet challenging, wise and playful and sees the things that are in my blind spot.” Beth
One of the questions l carry is:
‘If what l believed isn’t true, then what is truth?’
One of my experiences is:
Earth is conversational and songful, a living animacy.
The Earth is in different conversations with each and within every thing/expression (‘human’ as one part) such as the sun ripens every grape. We’re missing such an understanding today in a way the Ancients did not.
An example is when wandering completely in love with the beauty of everything in the forest, in the river and in conversation with everything imagining everything in animacy and conversation with me a tree began singing to me, inviting me into a particular song. When we joined in, the whole forest sang in harmony rounds with the very song. My lived experience of animate and enchanting ways of Earth and Earth Community of which we are an expression has informed my life ever since.
We have listened to many such stories on our pilgrimage and are passionate about providing space for the stories to do their, sometimes fierce, work with the receiver. After this experience, we stopped everything choosing to go to the mountains, beginning to write short stories, more poetry. We began following dreams received in the night into the day time wild world finding these worlds coming closer and closer together; a world where inside-out became outside-in very differently from earlier research and publications. We have made the journey and continue to do so. We continue to be devoted to the Pilgrimage of Soul and guiding people as a call to and for these times.
Being now an older interbeing transcreature, we train people as we guide; experiential and teaching. Those who work with us tend to be people who are already working deep and want to go so much deeper themselves thereby impacting and rippling out to those with whom they work. We currently live in Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotland where we love cooking and stirring up trouble in the best kinda’ ways. Here, the garden birds have us, as the songs of wind and sea. We love being woken by the duet of blackbird’s divine dawn song with the song of Neptune. We have been pilgrimaging to Isle of Iona and Holy Island for 32 years. We continue longing for and working towards a move to the wilder West Coast of Scotland/Alba and to be found by land for people to:
arrive …
be welcome …
plunge into …
… Abbey Of Soul
*You can arrange a 30m free exploratory call here:
We are a published writer and poet, and exhibited photographer. My first book Whispers; Imagining Earth Community, Surrendering To Earth Wisdom 2018 is currently available:
“At once a prayer, a poem, an illuminated pilgrimage, Whispers gently seduces us back across the nearby hidden threshold into the animate world that has been waiting for us all along …” ~ Bill Plotkin, author of Soulcraft and Wild Mind.
Wendy also founded Earthsongwave Dawn Chorus in 2018 as a free Global ‘Feed The Earth’ Ceremony inviting humanity into the bigger song of the cosmos. Earthsongwave Dawn Chorus is a ‘give-away’ offering in holographic reciprocity with all life. It is an International self-organising Ceremony with resources available on the website and yearly visionary conversations on the approach. Earthsongwave has now travelled to over 83 countries and 1,000s of people. You are welcome to subscribe on that website and join in.
Earthsongwave Dawn Chorus, 1 April yearly collage design by Doug Van Houten
Consider sharing. Consider subscribing, consider gifting a subscription or forming a group subscription. All sharing and subscriptions are gratefully received. Subscriptions as follows:
Free: An exclusive Monthly Museletter available for 3 weeks; podcast, unbidden surprises; Access to Abbey Of Soul Substack Chat
Paid: An exclusive Monthly Museletter with all time access; Podcast, unbidden surprises; Access to Abbey Of Soul Substack Chat to come
Weekly Soul Practices Posts
Monthly: 1.5 hour Sacred Conversations through the Zoom Portal for The Pilgrimage of Soul (Southern and Northern Hemisphere times)
Founder: As with paid. Extra: discount on Immersions; First peek at new articles; supporting beauty (the shape in the wood) as new currency.
Earthsong blessings ~
… walk … talk … dream … vision … myth …
*Wendy uses we instead of l - we relates to being a multiplicity of voices and interspecies with the more-than-other-than-human world