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Abbey Of Soul Podcast
The Carpenter

Founding Member episode

The full episode is only available to Founding Member subscribers

The Carpenter

Wendy Robertson Fyfe

The first Podcast from Abbey Of Soul and a wee introduction including the story of The Carpenter. Abbey Of Soul Podcasts are a way to deepen into the Understories and linger longer in the depths of/with Mystery. Where does this particular story take you in the deep imagination, in the dreamtime, in memories, on your wanders …? You are warmly welcome to …

This post is for subscribers in the Founding Member plan

Abbey Of Soul Substack
Abbey Of Soul Podcast
Abbey of Soul is a place where revelation is the way life orientates us, guides us through the current cracks and unravellings within animacy, intimacy and Earth Ceremony/Cosmos. Abbey Of Soul offers a space of metamorphosis in the current shift in 'human' consciousness.
The podcast invites vocal conversations for a deeper, meaningful, soulcentric life as an Earth authentically aligned way.
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